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🗓️ When: 11 DECEMBER 2024
✅ Duration: from 1:30 PM CET till 6:00 PM CET
🗓️ Agenda & Speakers ➡️
Textile SIG of PETCORE EUROPE, the Brussels-based polyester value chain association, is hosting an online webinar "ADVANCING POLYESTER TEXTILE CIRCULARITY: COORDINATING SCALING ACROSS THE EU VALUE CHAIN FOR A ROBUST INFRASTRUCTURE", dedicated to the latest developments in TEXTILE PES/PET recycling 🔄.
This event will provide insights into advancements in mechanical, depolymerization and sorting technologies, while also exploring the challenges of scaling the necessary collection & sorting quantities through the recycling process. We will also take an opportunity to evaluate the feasibility of aligning these initiatives with EU regulatory goals.
Agenda - 1:30 PM CET - 11 DECEMBER 2024
13:30-14:10 Circularity in Textiles and Sustainability Challenges
13:30-13:35 Introduction by Christian Crépet - PETCORE EUROPE and Bruno Langlois - Carbios
13:35-13:55 Overview of Current Circularity Challenges in the Polyester Textile Industry and the Role of Circularity in Driving Sustainable Development:
Key statistics and figures. Textile imports & production, EU Collection & sorting for PET by Loic Mace - Axens & Thierry GAUTHIER - IFPEN
The complexity of materials: Polyester, Polycotton, Polyester/Elastane, and PO/PA by Bruno LANGLOIS - CARBIOS
13:55-14:10 EU Institutions’ Role in Tackling Textile Circularity Challenges:
EU Commission's JRC presentation on Polyester Textile Recycling
14:10-15:30 Technologies and Innovation Deployment moderated by Raphael Jaumotte - PETCORE EUROPE:
a. Overview of PET Recycling Technologies supporting polyester textile circularity.
14:10-14:20 Recognition and automatic sorting. - TBC (Joint input from Tomra & Pellenc)
14:20-14:30 Depolymerization recycling, multiple technologies, including glycolysis, hydrolysis, enzymatic, solvolysis and methanolysis by Maurizio Crippa - Gr3n Recycling
14:30-14:40 Mechanical recycling: updates from Starlinger, Erema and Coperion by Wolfgang Herman - Erema
14:40-14:50 Return of experience on Mechanical and Depolymerisation Recycling – Anca Pora (Green Group)
14:50-15:00 Q&A
b. 15:00-15:10 Geographical Presence and Development - Philip Boydell
- Mapping and Panorama: Present and Future Outlook
- Pilot units and Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)
- Ongoing and finalized industrial projects (Capacities)
c. 15:10-15:20 Indicative Value Chain Costs by Bruno Langlois - Carbios
- Breakdown of costs across the value chain: Collection, sorting, preparation for recycling, mechanical recycling, depolymerization, repolymerization
- Overall results and typical EU member state PET budget scenario
- Learnings from existing studies (Mc Kinsey, …)
15:20-15:30 Q&A Session
15:30-15:45 Coffee break
15:45-16:05 Essential Tools for Recycling and Mandatory Design Standards for Circularity by Josse Kunst - CuRe TECHNOLOGY
- Guidelines for Circularity in Polyester-Based Textiles
- Collection & Sorting
- Preparation for depolymerization & mechanical recycling
- Design for Recycling for clothing
- Update on T-Rex
16:00-16:05 Q&A Session
16:05- 16:30 Current State and Global Collaboration for EU Alignment on SIMULTANEOUS SCALABLE SOLUTIONS by Christian Crépet - PETCORE EUROPE
- Alignment Across the EU to organize the circular value chain:
EPR, collection, sorting and preparation deployment updates
- Collection schemes deployment
Reverse logistics strategies, asset recovery, take-back programs, voluntary return, kerbside, charity led
Consumer education and incentivizing
- Regulatory Framework to support deployment of a circular value chain
Recycled content, End-of-Waste, Waste shipment, Textiles labelling, industry standards, Enforcement and Monitoring
16:25-16:30 Q&A on how can the textile industry be ready to harmonize simultaneously scaling for an EU sustainable success?
16:30-17:45 The key challenge lies in driving global expansion of textile circularity while simultaneously aligning all recycling steps across the EU moderated by Bruno Langlois - Carbios
Stakeholder Perspectives on an harmonize & synchronized collective effort for an EU PET circular economy
16:30-16:45 How brands such as Adidas, H&M, or the Decathlon of this world approach circularity - TBC
16:45-17:00 Insights from EPRs - Refashion-TBC
17:00-17:15 Associations by Karla Magruder - accelerating Circularity
17:15-17:30 European Commission - DG Grow - TBC
17:30-17:45 Q&A Session
- Could a global forum on synthetic fibers, similar to the Circular Plastics Alliance led by DG GROW for plastic packaging, promote global collaboration, synchronized growth through a transparency attitude to evaluate progress across the value chain and be helping for regulatory adjustments?
- Ensuring compliance through continuous monitoring.
17:45-18:00 Wrap-up and Conclusions by Christian Crépet - PETCORE EUROPE