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🗓️ When: 11 DECEMBER 2024

✅ Duration: from 1:30 PM CET till 6:00 PM CET



PETCORE EUROPE is hosting an online webinar dedicated to the latest developments in TEXTILE PES/PET recycling. This event will provide insights into advancements in mechanical, depolymerization and sorting technologies, while also exploring the challenges of scaling the necessary collection & sorting quantities through the recycling process. We will also take an opportunity to evaluate the feasibility of aligning these initiatives with EU regulatory goals.


Agenda - 1:30 PM CET - 11 DECEMBER 2024


13:30-14:10 Introduction: Circularity in Textiles and Sustainability Challenges (Christian Crépet from PETCORE EUROPE + Bruno Langlois from Carbios)

Overview of Current Circularity Challenges in the PET Textile Industry and the Role of Circularity in Driving Sustainable Development:

  • The complexity of materials used, such as polyester PET, polycotton, PET/Elastane, and PO/PA ( Bruno Langlois from Carbios)
  • A focus on older textiles, including PVC, and the challenges they present TBC
  • Key statistics and figures: 1st Textile imports & production (Total and PET separately ) + EU Collection & sorting for PET ( Loic Mace from Axens)


  • 13:50-14:10 EU Institutions’ Role in Tackling Textile Circularity Challenges
  • EU Commissions presentation on Polyester Textile Recycling ( JRC /EU Commission member) TBC


14:10-15:10 Technologies and Innovation Deployment:

a. PET Recycling Technologies: Summary of technological processes supporting polyester textile circularity, including glycolysis, hydrolysis, enzymatic, solvolysis and methanolysis.

14:10-14:20 Mechanical recycling: inputs from Starlinger, Erema and Coperion (Wolfgang Herman from Erema)

14:20-14:30 Depolymerization recycling (Bruno Langlois from Carbios)

14:30-14:40 Recognition and automatic sorting (Joint input from Tomra & Pellenc) TBC


b. 14:40-14:50 Geographical Presence and Development by Philip Boydell from Depoly:

  • Mapping and Panorama: Present and Future Outlook
  • Pilot units and Technology Readiness Levels (TRL)
  • Ongoing and finalized industrial projects (Capacities)


c. 14:50-15:00 Indicative Value Chain Costs by Maurizio Crippa from Gr3n Recycling

  • Breakdown of costs across the value chain:
  • Collection and sorting
  • Preparation for recycling
  • Mechanical conversion
  • Depolymerization
  • Repolymerization
  • Overall results + elaborate a typical EU member state PET budget scenario - Mc Kinsey Figures


15:00-15:10 Q&A Session


15:10-15:25 Coffee break


15:25-16:00 Essential Tools for Recycling and Mandatory Design Standards for Circularity by Josse Kunst CuRe Technology

  • Guidelines for Circularity in Polyester-Based Textiles:
  • Collection & Sorting guidelines
  • Guidelines for preparation to depolymerization & mechanical recycling
  • Design for Recycling (DfR) for clothing
  • Update on T-Rex


15:50-16:00 Q&A Session:00- 16:30 Current State and Global Collaboration for EU Alignment on SIMULTANEOUS SCALABLE SOLUTIONS by Christian Crépet from PETCORE EUROPE

  • Alignment Across the EU to organise the circularity value chain:
  • Producers’ Responsibility
  • Updates on existing and future EPR’s per country
  • Update on collection & sorting (where & capacities per EU country)
  • Update on preparation: where, which how per EU Country


Collection Targets:

  • Reverse logistics strategies, asset recovery including take-back programs
  • Efficient systems for collecting used polyester from consumers
  • Educating consumers on the benefits of recycled polyeste
  • Incentivizing Sustainable Choices:
  • Incentives like Deposit Return Systems (DRS) or discounts on future purchases
  • Recycled Content:
  • Requirements for recycled material standards and incorporation rates.
  • End-of-Waste (EoW) Regulations:
  • Cessation of waste status for materials.
  • Waste Shipment Rules:
  • Guidelines for EU and international textile waste export and import.
  • Clear Labeling Standards:
  • How to implement transparent labelling for recycled textiles.
  • Industry Standards:
  • Developing and enforcing industry standards.
  • Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms


16:20-16:30 Q&A on how can the textile industry be ready to harmonized simultaneously scaling for an EU sustainable success?


16:30-17:45 The key challenge lies in driving global expansion of textile circularity while simultaneously aligning all recycling steps across the EU by Bruno Langlois from Carbios


  • Stakeholder Perspectives on an harmonize & synchronized collective effort for an EU PET circular economy:

16:30-16:45 How brands such as Adidas, H&M, or the Decathlon of this world approach scaling circularity issues (TBC)

16:45-17:00 Insights from EPRs (Refashion TBC)

17:00-17:15 Associations (Karla Magruder accelerating Circularity TBC)

17:15-17:30 EU Commission (DG Grow TBC)


17:30-17:45 Q&A Session


17:45-18:00 Wrap-up and Conclusions by Bruno Langlois from Carbios & Christian Crépet from PETCORE EUROPE 


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About Petcore Europe

Petcore Europe is the association representing the complete PET value chain in Europe since 1993.

Its mission is to ensure that the entire PET industry is well aligned to enhance its value and sustainable growth, to represent the PET industry before the European institutions and other stakeholders, to ensure that PET is positioned as an outstanding packaging material and recognised as environmentally sound, to support and validate innovative packaging solutions from a recycling perspective, and to work with all interested parties to ensure a continuous increase of PET post-consumer collection and recycling.

PET (PolyEthylene Terephthalate) is a strong but lightweight form of polyester. It is used to make containers for soft drinks, juices, drinks, water, edible oil, fresh food and dairy as well as household cleaners and other non-food applications. PET bottles and food containers, such as sheets and trays are perfectly recyclable while they help to reduce CO2 emissions and food waste.


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+32 (0) 2 315 24 88